Monday, December 22, 2008

Mark, Shark, and The Day Before the Big Day

I just got back from six hours at the hospital. The guys checked in and got comfortable. Soon after figuring where each of them would stay, the guys were questioned, poked, prodded and introduced to a whole team of doctors and nurses.

Shark is in surprisingly good spirits, and he may very well pun one of the nurses to death. Part of me has pity on the hospital staff who have to come in contact with him, because he can be a major clown (especially if he's nervous, like now). For his sacrifice, he gets a private room.

Mark is just calm. He's a professional patient at this stage in the game. He isn't in a private room, but a bank of beds solely for the people awaiting transplant. There are four semi-private beds right by the nurse's station, and for a while he was the only transplant scheduled for the next 24 hours.

While we spent the afternoon on the 9th floor, three additional transplants were underway for folks who got the call. In other words, cadaveric organs became available. As our Christmas seems to bring us a blessing and as well for the other organ recipients, tragedy hit the families of two souls. It makes us all the more speechless about what our friend is willing to do for Mark and our family. If we didn't consider Shark family already, he certainly is now.

Shark, who has rarely been ill a day in his life, is in for a journey. He told the nurse that he has no point of reference for pain. Is a tooth extraction pain? He's never even broken a bone. They assured him that he will be getting some good drugs. As will Mark.

One of the transplant residents commented on Shark's size. Shark is 6'4" and somewhere in the 240 range. Mark is 5'7" and currently hovering around 163. The doc joked that "it's a lot of kidney" for a guy Mark's size.

Everyone as OSU today seemed upbeat and optimistic. And I'm going to bed tonight feeling the same way. My children are staying the night with Grandma, so it's just me and the dog bedding down.

My alarm clock is set for 5:30AM. I'm going over to the hospital before 6AM. Shark will be taken for his operation at 6:30, and then Mark's begins at 7:15. I'll bring my laptop with me and try and keep everyone abreast of the progress.

Keep praying for all of us that we may have strength, health, and patience. Your kindness means the world to the whole extended Beadles family.

Much love.


Magikjaz said...

all my love! I'll be checking in tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad all is going according to plan and I will keep praying and sending good thoughts your way! I'll be checking in tomorrow too.
Love & Hugs!

Jewely said...

I can't say it enough, God Bless Shark. (and please, what is his real name? I gave the prayer request to my choir last week and got some funny looks asking them to pray for Shark:-) And as always, continued blessings and prayers for all of you involved. May all go according to plan.

Monica Beadles said...

Shark is the nom de nick of Mark Darling. It's been his nickname as long as I've known him. It's sorta ironic because he's a big pussycat. Plus I think it stuck because it distinguishes him nicely from my Mark.

Anonymous said...

Go team Beadles (and Shark, too)! We'll be thinking of you.